
Daisy defends against Buddy the Elf cutout

Daisy bewildered when Susie can’t find her when she’s sitting on Susie

Daisy sasses me over shirt stuck to her tail

Daisy expresses her displeasure over not getting lamb chops

Tower of London guards marching

Panoramic Iguazu Falls Brazil waterfall

KZ rappelling down a waterfall in Brazil

Daisy talks about Immortal Divorce Court

Daisy’s car ride to the unknown…

When bacon is involved the Maltese has no shame

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, It’s Super Maltese

Daisy gets cheese stuck to the roof of her mouth

When the Maltese realizes there is no cream in her morning coffee

Daisy the Maltese models with the help of a heating vent

The Puppyguard

When your dog thinks you are bacon

Daisy the Maltese is Proud of Her Got Garlic? Gear

Daisy is Savage!

Daisy the Maltese Heroically Poses

Speedboat ride INTO Iguazu Falls